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File Comment
│     Chicago Computer Broker - 500 W. Golf, Mt. Prospect, IL 60056          │
│      This File Has Passed Automated Virus & File Integrity Procedures      │
│FileName   │FileSize │FileDate│ File Description                            │
GUSUTILS.ZIP    54398  10-16-94  Gravis UltraSound Utilities By MESS Computer
                               | Services V.O.F. includes: GUSWAV - Wave
                               | player GUSVOC - Voc player GUSDUMP - Memory
                               | dumper GUS.TPU - Own fast GUS unit GUSBOOT -
                               | Reboot + Music 4ERROR - 4dos batch file All
                               | sources included Released to the public All
                               | is still in beta version
                               | (Newest File Date: 02-09-94)

Images (1)

Text (12)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
4ERROR.BTM Text File 45 2KB 1994-02-08
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 15 306b 1994-02-08
GUS.DOC Text File 304 11KB 1994-02-08
GUS.PAS Pascal/Delphi Source File 1,021 21KB 1994-02-08
GUSBOOT.BAT DOS Batch File 35 2KB 1994-02-08
GUSDUMP.DOC Text File 31 2KB 1994-02-08
GUSDUMP.PAS Pascal/Delphi Source File 193 5KB 1994-02-08
GUSVOC.DOC Text File 31 2KB 1994-02-08
GUSVOC.PAS Pascal/Delphi Source File 611 18KB 1994-02-09
GUSWAV.DOC Text File 31 2KB 1994-02-08
GUSWAV.PAS Pascal/Delphi Source File 560 16KB 1994-02-09
MAIN.DOC Text File 73 2KB 1994-02-08

Other Files (4)
GUSDUMP.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 7KB 1994-02-08
GUSVOC.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 16KB 1994-02-09
GUSWAV.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 16KB 1994-02-09
GUS.TPU Pascal Compiled Unit 9KB 1994-02-09